Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A little honesty....

Over this last year, I have learned to turn my negative feelings and bad stuff into exercise.  Before, I sulk or get mad or depressed and eat and drink booze and just bury stuff.  Now, the newer healthier version of me takes my shit to the gym. You would be amazed at how good you feel after a good cardio session.  I can release a lot of negative energy at the gym and absorb a lot of positive.  It's amazing what a little adrenaline can do for you.  I would be a complete liar if I said life is good and truly meant that in my mind all was good and my life is great.  Now the facebook version of me is fantastic.  I have a great life.  My children are great, my husband is awesome and life is grand.  Who the hell wants to post negative garbage to their entire friends list on facebook?  Well I can tell you who, those who are looking for attention.  It drives me crazy!  I have been guilty of posting having a bad day boohoo crap, but you and I both know it's just looking for people to feed off it.  I now make an effort to only post good.  So, life looks peachy as it should for a social networking site.  For the most part, my family and I do more than most families.  We have all boys at home.  I like to keep active and I like to show my children how to enjoy the great outdoors.  We do lead very active, fun lives but it definitely isn’t all roses.  I think it’s important since I’m on a blog to be truthful and honest about what I want to share.  I believe honestly that we are all great actors.  We have to put on our good faces because who wants to be around negative people plagued with financial, relationship, work problems??? NOT ME!  I guess the direction I will go from this point forward is just honest me. 

The last week really wore on me physically.  I had a lot of relationship issues that are quite personal that really put me in a bad spot.  Knowing that I tend to drink and overeat, I reacted quite poorly.  I didn’t exercise or eat for about 4 days.  It was incredibly hard on my body.  I went from devastation in my personal life, to camping and family fun for a good week.  This last week of traveling and enjoying the simple life with little technology and lots of bonding time led to unhealthy eating and total lack of exercise.  BIG BOO to that!  Monday was a recovery day from lack of sleep and just total body drain.  Tuesday I was back at the gym in the morning for my hour cardio in which I did all uphill on 15 incline at a brisk 4.4-4.5 walk.  I burned a lot of calories.  I went home and pumped the weights for 30 minutes and I also rode my bike to and from work.  I went to bed at a decent time, and woke up at 4:15 this morning and hit a brick wall.  My body is soooo incredibly sore and hates me for what I did yesterday after my brief sabbatical.  I didn’t go to the gym.  I hit snooze then I turned it off and decided screw that gym today I will run outside…then I fell asleep and did nothing.  In turn, I got up at 7:15 ready to strangle the first person that looked at me wrong.  I think I’ve said I’m no morning person.  I completely started my day off wrong.  Lunch is a no go for a work out, because apparently I have some issues I need to work on so I can actually be as perfect as I make myself look on Facebook  (wink).  When you have little guys at home, lunch breaks during the day are times for appointments, errands, gym etc.  Today, appointment, tomorrow who knows.  So, I guess what I’m getting at is…even though I’ve made great strides on my health….I’m a huge work in progress.  This is testimony to routine.  Don’t get too far off routine or you screw yourself.  I will now bust my ass the next 4 days to make up for Monday and now Wednesday and maybe lose weight this week.  I’m still off the booze and intend to stay that way so I’m hoping that will help my goals out.  Get into a routine, keep it.  If you can’t keep the routine, at least make healthy choices.  Pack healthy as you would eat at home, then you don’t have the bad food choices even available.  Yes, I read those fitness magazines…maybe I will actually do the picnic table stair step routines next time I’m camping…baby steps people…baby steps…. 

1 comment:

  1. That honesty is a tough one. For the most part I have a perfect life on FB and I tell a little bit more on my blog, but due to a 1.5 year long custody battle (that I won, btw) it wasn't smart to share all the day-to-day struggles that I had. I wish I could have because I would have been a lot healthier-at least mentally. Now that I can relax a little more (but still not tell everything) I really need to work on the physical me. I pull even suck inspiration from you, but it never goes past my head to actually doing something. The rut of food, beer, zero exercise is so deep. At least I quit smoking.

    Don't get too down on yourself. So you've had a couple bad day, but in the big picture you're still so far ahead of so many of us. I like the honesty.... and we'll save the fairy tales for FB. :)
